yes! gogogo! it rocks and its only $45 a ticket and planet shakers and sonic flood will be there and not no mention, youknowwho!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
school bus. on the way to school.
stopped at a traffic light next to a public bus. [get that. public bus.]
one: oh look! itsn not fair! those people are also sitting school bud and they get to watch tv!
two: where?
one: look! theres a tv in the bus!
two: thats not school bus la!
one: [interrupting] it is! look! those girls are wearing our school uniform!
two: its not la! [thats when i thought she had a brain. but..] thats their private car..
one: private car!? how can that be? its so big!
two: nono! i know their dad! he owns a license to drive vans.
oh yes. i saw my new maths teacher today. yea. my first impression of her is not bad. i think shes pretty nice. ok. this is why i like my new amaths teacher[so far]:
- her voice is not bad. as in. pleasent
- she looks ok. as in. nicer the more you look.
- shes funny
- she talks alot/tells stories
- she wasted a whole lesson with us answering questions even though she knew we were wasting her time. (:
yay. so im pretty happy. and miss sies still teaching! though i think i might miss chua poh leng. which is like. so unexpected! haha.
oh yes. i made a new friend. [yesyes. primary one diary!!!!!!] natalie yeo. hahaha can you believe it? she has been in my class for half a year and todays the first time i held a proper conversation with her. and by that i mean actual talking. not just like. "hey, is chem in class or is it lecture" yea. haha./
i think today was pretty nice. (: recess too!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
went shopping with ting wei today. actually its more like we ate lunch, walked around and went home. oh well. actually i was quite happy she wanted to go home so early cos i wasnt really in a shopping mood. no faairrr. yea had lunch at pizza hut. cost me a freaking 10bucks! oh goodness we were soo stupid.
haha. it was pretty funny. cos there were like. lumps in the soup. so there was this big lump and ting wei thought it was chicken. and she bit into it la! haha. she reaction was super funny. so after that we were being very careful. like checking every spoon for lumps. then at the same time we fished out a lump and was then. is this a lump? [oh goodness. ting wei's was enormous! it was more of a glob] then we started poking it with our fork. haha. so lame.
yea. it feels like holiday again. going to school kills me i tell you.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
oh i finally ran today! i thought it was gone forever. really slowly though. although i did increase the resistance halfway. haha. doing the 30min. target toner somehow motivated me. and of course the huge increase in weight la.
dont ever go out with ting wei i tell you. shes a cheater.
Monday, June 27, 2005
of course. it means something else. something to do with hm. the new warning system. something to do with getting expelled by play truent once, say vulgeries twice, being late twice and wearing the wrong uni once. or something to that effect. well. all i can say is i have no comments. well. of course i do! but i must be careful with what i say. or i might get sued for slander. that three demerit points by the way.
yea. i have nothing much more to say. i dont wanna begin studying all over again. and maybe i should just take the fraeking tagboard off. its pointless.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
hm. today was pretty good. we spend last night [and the car ride today] singing all the old songs. like the fann wong "lovelovelove" thing and the yiwen jiejie plant song. haha. strange that we actually remember although we dont really. and i think i miss dicky. haha. havent been listening to his songs for ages! even forgot some of the lyrics la.
after that we started fooling around with the cam. lol. it was funny.
woke up at like. 10sth. and went for timsum at chinatown! yea i had xiaolongbao and guo tie. it was good, (: only my mum bought me breakfast like just before we left so i was really full. ): oh and there was the pancake thing too. with dao sa inside. nice! (:
came home and we all slept. thats all i think. my mum cheats when i play snap with her. gr.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
service. hm. he wasnt there. that was just sososososo sad! gr. and im hungry. i wanna eat. but im fat! sigh. unhappy. ):
Friday, June 24, 2005
i have a break out. it sucks. i thought i already have so many pimples its not possible for me to ever get a break out. but then i did! it sucks la. i look like i have chicken pox. ):
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
hee. im typing faster than my comp! meaning i type as few words and have to look up and wait for them to appear on the screen. hohohos. im so fast. :/
i dont know what else today. im eating like alot. and im lookinh forward to watch mr and mrs smith! oh yes. does anyone know if the 30min target toner gets rid of fat or just builds muscles? i dont wanna waste my time. hahaha
my impression of edison chen is like. gonegone. i mean. hearing about his attitude is pretty bad already. but his looks can cover that. but then. after what i heard about him last night. everythings suddenly all gone. oh wait. or was it lastlastnight...
my eyes are itchy. i wanna scraaaaaatch !!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
i think im sick of running. i dont know! the moods just not there anymore. and thats not good becuase when im not in the right mood i cant even run 200m. i mean i can la. i just. dont feel nice. gr. i need an alternative to exercise. im not going to get all gross and fat i tell you! [oh yes. i already am. gr.]
Monday, June 20, 2005
yes i know i sound like a bimbo. but how else am i gonna get my point across eh? so the point is. i dont wanna get any fatter! im fat enough! if you've any way of me getting thinner its really really welcome.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
yea my cousins came today. although like 3/6 didnt come. haha. never mind.
im really beginning to like green more and more. whats with green nowadays? no way im letting it take over red!
sigh. i think im the bitch. [refers to orange-banana story part one] and thats not good. i mean i know i once said i wanted to be one. and i aspire to be one. but this is all wrong! im not being the right type of bitch. gr.
oh yes. my brothers back. and so is the guiter! (:
Saturday, June 18, 2005
worship today was great! i feel that the camp really brought me back to God. especially when i made the decision not to let anything or anyone distract me from God again. yep. the feeling of being with God was good. (: then there was one moment when i was afraid i wasnt doing enough to worship. as in. i wasnt really like. ininin it. pointing and everything. but then i think God told me that it was ok, as long as im focused on worshipping Him wholeheartedly, He sees it and understand. that was just so sweet. (:
watching tamago worship kinda touched me too. (: i mean just a few weeks ago she was telling me how she only liked one song, and that people raising up their hands to praise God freaks her out. but yet today. she too was worshipping God, and i think she was a little touched. later, she was even lifting her hands a little! God's works really amazes me. i mean i was worrying becuase i dont know how to really tell her about christianity, since i was the one who brought her to church. but yet. now i can just see God working in her! i just need to commit everything i have to Him, and know He'll take care of it. (:
sermon was not bad. haha. pastor glenn's movie was funny and his fathers damn cute! haha. belle joy and I were laughing and laughing although he was being serious. i mean we cant help it! hes just too funny!
haha. ruth and tab are so sweet! bought us souvenirs. haha tab gave me this purse. haha its damn cute. reddish pink! haha. and ruth bought us nice sour sweets. (: i love sour sweets. ruth give me somemore! kidding. but show me the packet so i can buy somemore. (:
ok. this is a contiunation on my story. part two la.
so one day, the banana was stolen from its home. and frozen in liquid nitogen so it was damn hard and had to to mashed with a hammer. then it was made into ice cream. that, of course, made it very sad until it realised it was actually ben and jerries chunky monkey. wow.
as for orange, well, it actually realised it was an apple, and was made into apple pie.
yes. red is a powerful colour. yes. it happened again. and yes. its starting. initially its a really good thing. but then.. maybe it isnt? ):
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
thats one of the many things i've learnt in camp. to be a peace maker. but this verse just keeps coming mabk to me. to remind myself that what im doing is wrong. and thats just.. so wrong! I mean. its just so hard. i seriously have no idea what is wrong with me.
Friday, June 17, 2005
shopping my great! i actually bought something. in fact, two things! yepyep. i think im beginning to get onto green. bought green shoes from pretty fit, and a green spag strap shirt from bods. yea i think im liking that place more and more. (: the heels were funkye. i was decided between green and white but chose green [although the white ones nicer] since i already have white heels and, well. my feet are too fair. (: [and obviously cos gloria and zoe kept saying take the green one] its a tad too big but who cares. maybe then jia yun wont say my shoes are for barbie dolls. (: yes la im just too lazy.
and my shirt is. gr. revealing! well. not revealing revealing but since its spag stap it shows all my fat! grr. but then again gloria and zoe kept telling me to buy it [its too big as well] so i got influencedand bought it. haha. my sisters think it sucks but i got it at 21.53 so im happy. (: and im wearing green to church tomorrow to match pastor glenn's movie. green grass. oh and did i tell you that i have a green balloon?(:
gloria says i look older and different and im thinner. i disagree with the last point. and to think about it carefully. looking older might not be a compliment since she used to call my ahmah. hmm...
ok i shall end with a story.
orange and banana used to be friends. one day. orange told banana who she liked. so banana did the same. banana did not tell anyone about it, although it wasnt a secret. but she secretly teased orange a little. however, orange blew up and called banana names and said she couldnt keep secrets and would never tell her anything again. banana felt really bad but soon, orange started insulting banana's crush openly and even said rude things to him. banana found out and was obvously pissed off only she didnt say anything.
two years passed and banana forgot all that happened. either that or she thought orange would have matured and change. so she told orange a secret but obviously she blabbered it out.
oh my goodness. what a bitch orange is! haha. im loyal to red forever. dont worry. (:
Thursday, June 16, 2005
my butt hurts from sitting. :/
hannah abigal deborah tiffiny sumin eugenia peter ryan ariel samuel jit liang. lightening. (: erm. zz zzz zz. boom! haha. so lame. well my group its pretty much dead [so was i la] but still. it was fun being with them (: they are nice as individuals.
played games. erm. the silly chair thing, and the armour of God, and three legged soccer. oh my goodness that was so stupid. hannah and i partnered. and we had like. nearly no co ordination. especiall since we didnt bother about the "one two" thing. in the end we just hopped. haha. then it was super funny. we would stand there and slack and then the ball would come and we would be like. oh quickquick! hophophop! and human scrabble [28 words!] and mumbling rubbish cheers. haha. it was fun la. (: [actually i cant really remember]
sermon was good. learn about the beaattitudes. which i dont have. yep. have been praying. and i really hope this camp has change me. at least enough to be a salty salt [kiam kiam?] if not a 180degree one. whch i need. but still. i believe God is working in my life and i will get better. (: as long as it isnt some two day thing.
bathed in hot water. and there was roti prata and curry for supper. oh goodness talk about fats. obviously i skipped that.
wet games day. (: haha the games were fun la. we played dodgeball! yea thats the game i reallyreally wanted to play last year. not so much now, but it was pretty fun. only that stupid isaac yip caught all the balls. butbut. i hitted someone! with a waterbomb. haha. i knew aiming at nothing would work. then we played erm. captians ball with a buttered papaya. and egg. and.. whatever. and dog and bone with a tomato and cucumber. lol. it was soso lame. me and the other person were fighting over gald the squashed tomato [mainly trying to scrape it from the ground] then the other person scored with a teeny morsel! gr. (: then there was the umbrella game. where i forgot how to open the stupid thing. haha. so lame la.
worshiped rocked. yea. i finnaly worship God properly after like how long [blame him la] and yea. i could just feel the presence of Him. and the past where everyone was singing without music touched me. it just made me feel.. everyones love and awe and.. i dont know what. but it feel pretty... whoosh! haha.
had the evangelism workshop. haha. yea i all ready to preach the gospel! [i hope] debbie was so funny. and i now have a nice anklet which is too short [and now soggy and wet].
yes we went to snow city! my girls name was adrain or something. i dont know i just cant remember it. and it was freezing! haha. poor ariel was bullied by his boy. haha and samuel kept turning around to complain his boy was damn smelly. so he kept avoiding him. haha. so stupid la. my girl was pretty quiet. maybe she just didnt wanna talk to me. but im pretty bad at starting conversations. so. yea. didnt really share the gospel with her. but. just praying that she got impacted some way or other. (:
yea the place was freezing! i was dying inside. haha. but still it was fun! haha ariel was like bombing us with snow when we were still stoning from the cold. in the end we all turn ryan into a snowman. since he wasnt cold. then charissa came and put snow on my head! haha. she messed up my hair! lol. then suddenly deborah and tiffiny dissapeared[they were slacking in the warmth outside] so i went to slide with charrisa! (: made ice cream which tasted simply gross. but i saw liquid nitrogen! haha. so cool. then the guy poured all the leftover nitrogen on the carpet. i was like xi you ji! haha. and im sun wu kong's wife. (:
had the camp finale. haha. kiam teng was so funny! lol. anakin saltshaker. wah lao. and the yoda thingy. damn lame la. light saber also. ee lyn [or li] looked super funny as mrs smith1 haha. ours was super impromtu. but it was not bad la. we got 4th! (:
then was the
well. al in all. camp rocked! of have i said that already.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
before i saw the vcds i had was scolded by my parents for not studying. so i thought it was be a bad idea to tell my mum about Dicky Cheung just yet. but still. how will i be able to resist! now, shes agreed to get me the vcds if i collect 6 a1s [my idea of course] but still! its 6a1! how am i gonna get to. so... i'll be nice to you forever. (:
i bought nice pants today. from bods. haha. its nice and white and surprisingly doesnt make my legs look stumpish/make me look like a fisherman. oh yes. its three quarter pants. (: and then i found out that my dad is actually friends with the boss of the placE! i see something good turning out! hohoho.
camp tomorrow! .im quite scared actually. :/
Saturday, June 11, 2005
went to church. and i was practically walking round in circles. so in the end i decided to go to ntuc to look at food and tempt myself/stone/look for banana or jackfruit chips. of course in the end it was mainly to look for my banana and jackfruit chips but i found none. so sad. ): i really really wanted to eat jackfruit chips.
so later belle joy and tamago appeared. oh yes. i found out who is in my camp group. [yea. ): but. it was expected] ohmygoodness at first i thought isaac was in my group again. cos he was standing there. but it turns out it was ryan.
worship was great! sonice edge lead. ah! guess where I stood! (: oh well. someone needs a haircut (: winkwink. yea. youknowwho was soso cool la! i was staring again. i think erm. yourthatwho saw. ahem. im damn off la. okok. then comes the best part. tamagos a christian!! yes! she accepted christ today! she even said the sinners prayer! im so happy for her! haha. hope she'll get to know God more and more and more and more and more. (: (: yay!!
i think my new skins gonna turn out weird. hur. I think once people start making their own skins they just never want to download from again. it just feels soo.. cheap.
Friday, June 10, 2005
hm. today a most embarassing thing happened but obviously im not going to tell you what. and im gonna practise my mastermind again and again till i become the mastermind champion!! hohohoho.
looking forward to tomorrow. next weeks gonna be an exciting one!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
went to cut my hair. (: yes that cheapo place again. eh i look like a balded rooster. but still. at least it was better than the stupid pervert bitch at tony and guy. avoid that place. so. yea. bald chicken.
and i ate a roti boy. (: it was reallyreally nice. especially the first bite but by the time i reached the end i was nearly puking. practically forcing that stupid peice of bread down my throat. hmph. next time i shall share. becuase sharing is good! (: (: and then my dayi gave me so much food. haha. and i ate chocolate and a cookie when i went home. which also means that today is fat day!! ..fat days are badd for you i tell you. ): this morning i was pretty happy when i got onto the weighing machine. but i think everything is all
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
and i didnt get that horrible feeling of dissapointment when i decended from the cross trainer. (: even though i stopped becuase i wanted to, and not cos i couldnt. and not cos i wanted to thinking i couldnt. but becuase. i achieved my goal! i await the lovely feeling of running 5.2k in 30mins. butbut. after all that. its gonna be at resistance 5. not at 2 or 3. andand. my family members are going to stop mocking me!! hohohohohohoho.<br>
shu bao gao
geog tys[half]
12 english essays
pw reflections
emaths worksheet
heymath quizzes
Monday, June 06, 2005
today i remembered to watch my mei ren yu. (: felicia chin is soso chio. only she keeps getting bullied. :(
you know some people love to rip stuff off other people's blog? only they try to make it sond like they said it and it sounds all wrong. what losers. haha. that was random. (: (:
i feel soso sian. gr. the internet has nothing to offer me now. and im getting so damn freaking fat. in fact. the stupid pok weighing machine found me soso fat it showed me three different weights before I could even get off it. what kinda pok machine is that? it cant even lie properly
lalala. i have no more dreams to tell you about. ): i have no idea what to write for my essays. THIS POST IS DAMN SHIT LA.
[brown for shit]
Sunday, June 05, 2005
once upon a time, there used to be a very goodlooking guy. not that he was good looking, he was just cool. but still. that was enough. in the country coosease there wasnt many cute guys. in fact. cute guy were reallyreallyreally hard to find. therefore, alot of girls fell for this guy. [well shall just call him W]. W was known for his black baggy shirts and nice hair and educated look. also, he was a nice person and had manymany talents! as years passed, more and more gurls started liking him. however, W did not live up to their expectations! he started looking less scholarly and his hair got worse and worse. the girls were unhappy but decided to be loyal. however, one day, he even stopped wearing black! not only that, his shirt was tight like a ba zang. that was the last straw. the girls were greatly displeased and plotted to have their revenge. the next day, they went to look for him, and he was wearing a tight shirt again! in fact, it made him even more like a bazang since the shirt was green. the girls then ambushed him and threw him into the river to feed the fishes, in order to fufil his wishes.
the end.
i think im supposed to add the part where everyone makes bazang on that day to remember him. but then it wont make sense! hurhur.
anyway. i like bazang day. (: although i havent eaten a single bazang. :/
had a nice long walk today. and i had a nice good think. it was peaceful and i think i benifitted from it. (:
Saturday, June 04, 2005
went to church. (: but before that i had to waste 40mins at the library. yep. i read an entire book! yay.
church was. well. besides church, a major decision. so you can say today i was pretty much focused. its mainly because of:
- no glasses
- ugly hair
- white shirt. [not black!]
- late
- etc.
so you see its many many reasons and i say it was a good decision. oh butbut. church camp? yea. ):
ok that was pretty much coded. becuase. well. i dont want to tell you! (:
thought sermon today was really motivational. about being an evangelise. and i realised how selfish i am. like seriously. and self centered. and i can never become a good evangelise. cos i dont have the heart. unless of course, God changes me! and im sure he will. (:
got prayed for. and i was telling myself i didnt want to get slain. becuase i wouldnt know what to do. so no matter what, dont fall. and i didnt. but i felt something pushing, though im not sure if it the was holy spirit or just that guys hand. (:
and im getting fatter and fatter. gr.
hm. last night i dreamt of church camp. it was pretty scary. we had to make a parachute out of plastic bags and jump down from the sixth floor. of course im not gonna jump down the sixth floor with a parachute i made! and on top of that i didnt even bring plastic bags! so i zaoed and went home. then i got all worried. becuase the camp was going to be boring and i missed the first day and therefore had no idea how to go back. hur. i hope someone nice it in my group. :/ excited! (:
Friday, June 03, 2005
Thursday, June 02, 2005
hm. i wish i were bulimic. then everything i eat would just dissapear. i know this is more of a choice than something yr born with. but still. i dont fancy sticking my finger in my throat, or my head over the toilet bowl. :/
cant wait to shopshopshop. (: i want the mango colourful thing. only it costs a $50. and theres no way im gonna pay $50 for something that looks pretty [i dont know what its for]. and i want the chanel charm bracelet. only of course its chanel nd costs a freaking 740bucks. like. seriously?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
tamago and jia yun came over to play badminton. unfortunately. my house isnt exactly made for people to play badminton. haha. but tamago was so funny! whenever she hears a dog bark shye will scream damn loudy. then the lady walking the dog had to keep shushing the dog, and even carry it! i was like laughing non stop la. so funny.
wouldnt it be nice?