Friday, December 30, 2005
Attached is the Gathering of the Peas (Poly Cell) Worship Roster for Januaryto March 2006.Please view it and changes will be made by monthly basis.
There will be guest guitarists and a worship leader as stated in the roster accordingly.Reason for the guest guitarists is to expose them to cell worship as part oftheir ongoing training.
30 Mar Julian[worship leader] SuMin / Jun Lynn [Guest Guitarist]
im a freaking guest guitarist ! ok if you think about it like that it sounds damn cool right. i mean guest guitarist ? its as thought people specially invited you to go play for them[though of course this isnt the case]. but im so lousy ! i mean how can you worship when theres some weird guitarist who pauses everytime she changes the chord. and cant strum nicely. poly cell somemore ! im going to get despised for life !
Thursday, December 29, 2005
today i figured [note its figured not learnt] how to play G7 and A7. and now im checking it on the site and ITS CORRECT ! haha. well. A7 is. the page is still loading. but anyway. IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF ! hahaha. oh hang on. the page loaded. and its correct too ! WOWHEE.
haha i sound so overly-excited. sheesh !
zoe was so funny doing the crystal ball last night? HAHA. who wants to know her questions ! [memememe !]
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
sheesh ! so pissed ! i cant believe they didnt have my size ! and i missed being able to wear childrens shoes by about. two sizes. pissed !
oh well. as my sister said. i didnt go round thinking about it the whole day [like my skirt] so i guess i dont love the design that much. i think i shall wait for the new designs. [a freaking 3-4 months !] i guess it will be nicer. ah well.
went for jap dinner. ILOVEJAP. haha super freaking yummy ! especially deep impact. WOWHEE.
ps. yesterday was NOT my birthday !
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
ah well. at least its only been 15years. ive the rest of my life to live huh. better do something about it.
zoe REALLY wishes she can come to the new year partee [actually my brothers brithday celebration] on new years eve. hur. you'd think she wanted to come see me. or at least even to have yummy food. [such as roasted marshmellows. from the class chalet !] but NO ! its neither ! no mention of even wanting to see me ! talk about zhong se qing you.
hm i think i want to blog more at my xanga. more. varity. [even spellcheck !!] oh wells.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
haha this chirstmas was pretty great ! despite having to wake up at 6.25 in the morning. and feeling sleepy the entire day. i think i mostly enjoyed myself. ((: haha. with the church services and photographs and bonding with my cousins. i think i havent seen them since chinese new year ! and of course one of the things that totally MADE this christmas: turkey !! haha i kept eating and eating i think my cousin thought i was a freaking pig. haha. she kept asking me why i kept on eating. LOL. but hey i can help it alright ? its just tootoo yummy.
the musical was great ! haha. this time piers didnt even say he was three. haha. i bet he was too sleepy. and the actors were so high in the morning ! lol. haha. and the choir sang christmas carols ! WOWHEE. taking photographs was great too. i took it artaban ! in his old man costume. and then of course with ALL the cast and crew and some choir members. haha so many people were taking photos i felt like some star ! (: didnt get to take with hassan though. before i could catch him he peeled off his beard. ah well.
oh i tried learning the guitar from my cousin. haha i think he thinks I SUCK. ah well. hes good though. made me feel depressed again. haha. one of those im-never-gonna-be-able-to-play-so-well feelings.
I LOVE MY SISTER ! haha. AND BROTHER ! haha. sheesh i cant stand her. she ALWAYS gets the right thing ! haha im so touched. so got me a bible ok ! if you remember [and i bet you dont] i lost it at church camp. and i was so freaking depressed ! but now i have a pretty, new bible ! although its gonna be rather inconvinent, since all my highlighed stuffs are gone, and theres no index [i never memorise the books. jsut the position of the index ! haha.] THEY RAWK !
haha lastly. i love seth. and piers. haha. seth used to be so fierce. haha. my sister 'won him over by taking his picture' [quote jiejie] and i think i kinda miss them. along with CHOIR ! . i cant believe its all over now. ):
its gonna be a great one this year. with the musical and food and parties. i know! especially since its TURKEY DAY. but then again. we must always remember christmas ! its always so touching to remember that jesus came to the earth to die. FOR US !
"and he was despised and rejected by men, pierced for our trangressions, ...the iniquity of us all !"
haha. anyway. this sounds pretty good friday-ish. but we nearly never remember how much pain He went through. i was reminded of it suddenly. and GOSH. its just so touching.
and also i noticed how God always answers prayers. even though its so tiny and you dont really take the prayer seriously. just something really short and then forgotten. but yet. if you would think back. i think you realised God answered it.
sheesh I thank God for jesus. im feeling really happy now. just thinking about it. (:
Saturday, December 24, 2005
i know you are sick of hearing this. but the musical seriously rocked today ! the actors remember ALL their lines ! wowhee. they rawk. [they even bought us presents ! (:] and the audience all laughed at the right times. haha. unlike yest they seriously laughed at everything ! lol. hannah was so funny ! she was sitting right in front so i was watching her when hassan came out, she jumped out of her seat ! haha sheesh ! i was laughing on stage. and the girl next to me was staring at me.
oh. and I COULDNT FIND ALL MY FRIENDS sheesh. maybe they were all avoiding me. but anyway. i only managed to give out ONE present today. to tab. sighsigh.
oh. and before service was SO embarrassing ! haha because my mum wanted us to save her seats. but obviously we couldnt. so when we went for choir at 6.10 there were already people queueing !! and i was like. hey my friend is there ! and my sister decided that i should get him to help me save seats.. quick wave ! haha so i had to turn around and wave !! and then ask him to help me save seats. SO EXTRA !! and the best part is that my mum arrived at 7.10, just when the queue reached the hawker centre, and just walked in through the door. !!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
piers is SO CUTE ! hahaha. sheesh. today i asked him how old he was. and he said two and three. and then after the show i asked him again. and he said "just two !" HAHA so cute !! and he talks to me now. less dao !
oh. there were people taking pictures with the actors after the musical ! WOWHEE. im SO. gonna do it. not so weird anymore !! ((((((:
Based on the drawing and the 10 answers they gave this is a summary of their personality:Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people. You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself. [click]
Thursday, December 22, 2005
i got so freaking pissed and i had to practically PAINT the decoration using chopsticks. [my maid thought of that. quite smart huh.]
none of you can laugh when you get it ! otherwise i might just bite yr head off. my sweat and blood i do until wanna die ok. thats why the last few are so ugly.
oh. i wanna test my xanga. so pictures here
haha it was so tiring standing there. perce [however you spell it] said he was three again ! haha. after the show I wanted to go up to him and ask his age. sheesh HES SO CUTE ! and his sister too ! ((:
jon chan thinks my sister is the canteen vendor. who his mum buys bao from everyday. HAHA.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
i need to start sending christmas cards. but im too lazy. heh. i keep thinking 'heck with the christmas cards this year' but then i feel so guity becuase people all over are asking for my address. sighsigh. you might not be receiving cards from me this year ok ? but i still love you alot and want to wish you merry christmas. (: of course of you go watch the musical and i know yr going you get a small present from me (: also if i meet you anywhere during the holidays before yr present rots. hur. if not then. TOO BAD.
oh i thanked jon chan for his autograph today. sheesh it was SO EXTRA ! i cant believe it did it. haha.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
hm we had the christmas party today ! I SWEAR THAT GUY AT CAMP LOOKS LIKE JON CHUA. haha. seriously. i cant wait to get the photo ! maybe they are longlost brothers/cousins like belle joy said.
we played marlaky ! haha. ive been wanting to play it since forever. but it wasnt so fun today. haha. so we played muffia. haha. SO FUN. tamago SUCKS being gamemaster ok !! aside from all the stuff she does [or doesnt do] she presses the head damn hard la. so when you 'tapped' belle joy i could feel the entire sofa bounce. sheesh !
hur i dont know what to say already la. my train of thoughts was interupted. anyway it was fun. and tamago enjoyed herself. yayness.
OH. hannah was so funny when she saw jon chan ! she screamed so loudly everyone started at her. HAHA.
Friday, December 16, 2005
LALALALA. my hair was so gross today. so i tied it up and went to church looking freaking ugly. bahh. i wish i didnt say hi to hannah. :/
Thursday, December 15, 2005
i miss running. ): gr i wish i were better. be one of those people who can run for like. an hour or 45mins and not get tired. ah well.
went for the musical thing today. [sheesh i dont know what to call it] haha they were doing all the technical stuff i think i was SO EXTRA ! i wanted to stay at home and watch wu chu cai hong ok. but anyway i got to watch more of it. haha i cant wait ! it looks better with all the lighting. i really hope God uses this to touch moremore people ! (((:
oh when we just went it they were doing mike test. meaning adjusting the volume for each person's mike. so they had to go up and say their loudest line, softest line, a normal line and sing a bit. so the person asked hassan to come on stage to do his lines. and belinda was like, "master ! master... master ? MASTER ! master!?"
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
ohoh ! i got a reply ! i mean the letter i sent to the forum. from tammy tan. directer of SBS transit ltd. WOWEE. talka bout exciting ! ((:
you know last night before i went to sleep i was going to wash my face, but realised i left my facial soap downstairs. so i used my old facial soap, which happened to be mint flavoured [?] OH THE BURN ! THE BURN !
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
hm had guitar class. joshua came ! oh wow so exciting. hur. yes i was strongly advised to cut my nails. :/
ohoh. you mustmust go watch the musical !! haha. if you cant make it theres a preveiw show. 21st dec [wed] 7pm i think. haha i dont know what else to say. jon chan was superr funny today. HAHA.
Monday, December 12, 2005
CHECK OUT TODAYS FORUM !! haha. my sister says i should clarify. its HOMEWORK. if not everyone will think ive nth better to do. and it was done by ting wei and me !! yea we rawk.
i hate myself for being so lousy. grrr. i seriously need to start exercising ! getting fat dude. hm. my face hurts when i try to stretch it. random. haha.
sigh friends is over. it seems like i have been in my sisters room watching friends every holiday since forever ! and yet last night we reached the end of season ten !! NO FAIR NO FAIR ! haha. i decided [or realised] my favourite is joey. <33333>chandler. mr beng [i can spell both mr and beng.] then rachel because shes pretty. [she used to be my favourite. becuase shes pretty]
IM GOING TO SEE SHOI TOMORROW !! i love dreamsss !!
i think im like permernatly hungry. gr. oh for all you know that could have been my stomach ! anyways. ive been eating like crazy and im going to be freaking fat when i go back to school. try not to laugh to much will you. sigh. i need to exercise regularly ! it sucks i keep forgetting to. hurhur.
haha i want to watch the musical ! everything looks so nice. haha i should have joined the choir. kidding. everyone looked so weird with make up today. haha. artaban had red and white wrinkles ! (((:
Saturday, December 10, 2005
went to newton for supper !! haha it was rad. sheet i love eating. we had erm baby squid [good], sambal stingray [good], hokkien mee [good] and satay [good] . haha sheesh fatness. it can all go and die.
i havent been to coos's sat service for two weeks !
Friday, December 09, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
went to sgh to do cip. haha i fufilled several childhood dreams ! haha. there was endless chopping, endles stapling and endless tearing. oh paradise ! hurhur. and i also entered room with signs like "staff only" and "ONLY AUTORISED PERSONEL" and staffs toilets with passwords required !
i felt so damn freaking pro dilivering files to the doctors. only it got a little more complicated when we had to take out files. haha the nurse in room5 hates me i swear. according to ting wei shes always like that. :/
went to church. they kept us till nearly 11 ! haha tingwei i can memorise all the songs already ! i tried to see if i could today. just bits and peices there ! anyhows. the musicals looking better and better ! even though half the casts were missing. not sure about the choir though. rather inconsistant. hur. hope we dont screw up !! [pray for us !]
during the practice i was so bored ok ! haha. my sister was reading and reading and i could just sit there and stare at the actors. haha hassans bag is falling apart i hope it will survive the end of the musicals. [i hope more they will get a new bag but then it will be a waste]
oh wells. going to see shoi tomorrow ! provided i can wake up in time.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
i bought my picks ! yesterday. haha. i now pity everyone within a 10m radius around me. haha. firstly i suck. and with the pick [which is too hard] my flaws are magnified. as it no longer hurts my fingers, it play much louder, and longer. and its totally gross ! HAHA. also, i enjoy sitting on the sofa strumming, with a thoughtful expression on my face. HAHAHA i think i look damn pro doing that. (((:
went for my guitar class today. haha it was so boring ! and so quiet i think the kenny person [thats our teacher] was dying. oh wells. i learnt how to strum. haha actually its pretty hard. i mean if you try to strum it with real songs. well he never really taught us how to. so maybe it will be easier on sat ?
i felt so stupid carrying my guiter to church today. hurhur. first im not used to it. and unlike certain guitar players winkwink i do not look cool with the black thing on my back ! and it doesnt help that the freaking guitar is taller than me. so anyway. it could bear with all of for the sake of learning the guitar and hopefully looking a little cooler afterwards. but then before i left the house me mum stopped me. apprantly the pharmacist told her i have to avoid the sun. and she made me carry an umbrella. imagine how extremely retarded I looked [and felt] with a guitar, taller than me, on my back , carrying a blue foldable umbrella protecting me not from the rain, but the 3.30 sun. bahh! everytime someone walked past i would carefully arrange the umbrella so that it covered not only the sun, but my face.
today i seemed to keep seeing jon chan whereever i went ! so suay. gr.
most importantly:
23&24 Dec : 7.30pm
25 Dec 8.30 & 11am
must go must go ! it looks really good ok ! and most importantly, im in it !! yes go and support me [hurhur] and bring all your friends ! theres a preshow preview if yr not free. but i cant remember when. anyway. the shows going to be really interesting. and its pretty touching. and if it interests you in any way, jon chan from sonic edge is in it ! he plays quite a major role since hes nearly always with the lead actor. so gogogo !
the ones in red are the ones that apply to me and the strikeouts are wayy of.
i have a cell phone.
i have friends that use me.
i love dangly earrings
i love cold weather.
i'm obsessed with the computer.
i can't live without music.
i have no tolerance of ignorant people.
i have ridden on a motorcycle before.
i'll be in this town forever.
i've been to 5 other countries.
i get annoyed easily.
i eventually want kids.
i have more than a few horrible memories.
i am addicted to chocolate.
i am an atheist.
i love airplane rides.
i love taking pictures.
i hate people who are fake.
i can be mean when i want to. what about very
my parents care about my grades.
one of my best friends is a girl.
i have way too many wallets. i wish.
i'm obsessed with lip gloss.
i am easy to talk to.
i would never eat raw fish.
i cry easily.
i hate when people are late. especially when they go on and on about being on time.
i procrastinate.
i love winter.
i love to sleep.
i wish i were smarter
i'm afraid of flying.
i hate drama.
i have been on an 8 hour drive.
i never fight with my parents.
i love the beach.
i have never had the chicken pox.
i have gone out in public in my pajamas.
i can't control my emotions.
i have a best friend.
i have moved more than once.
i truly love my friends.
i have never broken a bone.
i hate my computer.
i love girls that play the drums.
i state the obvious.
i'm a happy person. well. mostly.
i love to dance
.i love to sing.
i love cleaning my room.
i tend to get jealous very easily.
i love cute underwear.
i like night better than day.
i don't like to study for tests. redder!
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
i have horrible sense of direction.
i miss elementary school.
i'm a daddy's boy/girl.
i love the color pink.
my eye color changes.
i should see a therapist.
i played on a guys sports team.
i become stressed easily.
i hate/detest liars.
i love the smell of rain.
i love my family.
i hate needles.
i always wanted to learn to play the drums.
i hate the feeling of failure.
i have friends in other countries.
i know how to cook.
i can be quite selfish.
at times, i still act like a little kid.
i have food allergies.
i love to read. sometimes.
i wish i were more motivated for school. a whole load more.
i love getting stuff in the mail.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings.
i hate being alone.
i love summer.
i love the weekends.
i love black eyeliner.
i think I'm a looker.
i type with one hand.
i have never rode on an underground subway.
i can't swim.
i have bad memories.
i go to church.
i sing in the shower.
i hate cheerleaders.
i usually get what i want.
i have been on stage before duh.
i love roller coasters.
no one knows the full story of my life.
i am close to my parents.
i don't have a curfew
Monday, December 05, 2005
my maid: yea. keep washing yr face with it and yr face will be like that -- clear.
oh goodness my maid is so lame ! I nearly died i tell you.
ps. what happened to the sonic edge site ?
Sunday, December 04, 2005
haha i tell you i felt so freaking extra ! i was like the only person from coos in the entire camp ? the best days were the 2nd and last becuase i felt a sense of belonging. it was so cool becuase all the churches took turns to lead worship during service. obviously except mine. but actually no. because my church came to play !! and in my opinion it was, obviously, the bestest. coos rocks ! haha. it was so annoying when everyone was calling coos cruise/c-o-s. i was like. sheesh ! and they called fever05 fever100. hurhur.
it was pretty exciting ! haha . my group rocks.. in its own way. i guess we can be pretty enthu if we want to. even if its only the girls. we played shi zi lu kuo ! and the 100sec no ng thing. haha. seriously ive always wanted to try shi zi lu kuo. but maybe it isbnt so fun wuth the budget and without the car. hahaha. i was seriously ripping stuff from the Dicky episode. which i think i watched a gazillion times.
haha there were so many lookalikes in the camp. one or two wernt really lookalike but kinda reminded me of certain people. so its counted. haha. anyway. here was this person who looked like jonchua !! i seriously thought he was jonchua. i almost said hi ! haha so anyway i later realised he wasnt and on the last day [today] belle joy came and almost said hi to him too ! asnd jonchua wouldnt believe that there was a lookalike. so belle joy was trying to get me to take a photo. obviously it was so stupid. but anyway my friend happened to take a picture of he and his friends. out convo went sth like that.
me: can you send me that picture?
wei chin [thats my friend with the camera]: yea sure i'll send you all my pictures
me : ok thanks
belle joy: nonono ! ask him to focus on that boy!
me [feeling stupid] : can you erm. focus on the boy in the red shirt ?
wei chin : yes of course ! no problem ! i can give you his number and email also.
i need a guitar pick. badly. haha. i was watching the people jam and i was learning to strum ! i mean for fast songs. haha. i tried it with my fingernail. but im only gonna do it once in case i damage it. hurhur. im just so lazy to walk across the road and get picks from wakemeup. if only the right person will be there when i go. arggh ! i havent seen you since forever!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
later i went to church and found belle and charisia and ben. haha. they were like. playing soccer ? rather ben was teaching belle joy. anyway. the prizes were sososo nice ! haha if only they let us take part. i bet we would have won. gr.
going for camp ! i dont know why im not excited. i just hope i make friends !
Monday, November 28, 2005
oh wells. i found a new kid. haha. the moment i realised shoi wasnt there, this boy came running past me. and i was like. oh ! this ones cute too ! haha. then later my mum told me alot of teachers like him. and hes jap too ! yes but seriously. hes cute. kento. hes dao too. of course after a while he was talking to me. haha. he speaks with a jap accent ! haha like finally. i think its freaking cute. and he climbs up my legs and does a backflip. kento ! kento !
i think im getting lazy. i seriously dont wanna leave my house anymore. unless its to go see the kids. :/
Sunday, November 27, 2005
you know i cant stand it when people claim to be christians. and they go round putting on their friendsters and blogs and whatever "i love God" and oh i go to church blabla and all those stuff. and yet they contradic every word with their actions and entries and words. i mean i know my behaviour and attitude [especially] sucks like crazy and i have no right to go round judging people like that. but how can you say you want to evangelise while showing that kinda charecter? do you really think people will be attracted to God when they see you like that ? i mean its really sad when people go round bitching about this girl and they bitch and bitch and go, " oh. do you know shes a christian?"
ok. thats was weird. haha i bet you didnt read that anyway. i feel so stupid talking about that when my own attitude sucks like crazy. grr.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
cantwaitcantwait for monday !
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
did taebo today[its like body combat]. funfunfun. only it was soso tiring ! haha i think i died around 26mins. but before that i had to stop for about a minute. thrice. haha but still. the cool her in front is so damn thin and are abs and rad ! hahaha. i shall workout and keep trying. i shall be able to do the entire thing by the end of the hols ! haha. hopefully that girl got her abs [and figure] by doing taebo. hahaha. i wish.
my mum promised me an electric guitar[i wanted drums but my family objected strongly] if i get 6 points for my o levels. who is she kidding man.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
sheesh i feel sososo sad everytime im reminded im never going to see them again. ive been begging and begging my mum to take the k2 class next year so that everytime i go visit her/help out in her school i get to see them. butbut. thats not even up to her. ):
but then comes the good news, which my mum didnt even bother to tell me [i overheard her talking to me sister. though not really since she said it in my face], theres an oncoming holiday camp for the kids. andand shoi is going ! shoishoi. (: koki might not. ): butbut. oh well. 1/2 is not bad. im offering to go help out for free. thats how bad i've been missing them today. ): sigh. my mum says shes not going to let me go. i only hope she was kidding. and i'll manage to convince her i will study if i go. [and i will !]
on a brighter note, URnanuim is out ! everybody say yipee ! i think i no loonger need guitar lessons since i can play all the chords in You Are. ((:
shoikoki shoikokeeee
Monday, November 21, 2005

This is love.
went to help out at my mums kindergarden. sheesh im aching ! hahaha. the children soso noisy and energatic ! clamouring all around me and talking non stop. hahaha. especially joe and eroy. i reallyreally wished they were KOKI AND SHOI. haha i love them i love them. sheesh shoi was so shy ! he like. totally refused to look at me. let alone talk. [which was kinda how i got to koki] haha. when i first went up to shoi and said hi he saw me and quicky turned. then koki heard, turned around, saw me and smiled. oh man his smile..
ok. im not really in the mood to blog- all happy and airy. but. more pictures here.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
dreams and stuff. (:
got these here.
jo: mrs lye, koki hit me with his waterbottle!
mrs lye: koki, what did you do to jo?
koki: *deer in headlights*
mrs lye: koki, did you hit jo with your waterbottle?
koki: *stricken dumb nodding*
and a few minutes later -- shoi like a young colussus, with jo and koki struggling one in each hand --
mrs lye: shoi, what is it?
shoi: they were .. they ...
mrs lye: they were quarrelling?
shoi: koki say, say sorry already still tell mrs lye!
eroi: mrs lye, i want a sweet
children, severally: he took one already! mrs lye, he already ate his sweet!
mrs lye: eroi, have you taken a sweet?
eroi: dunno
mrs lye: dunno? you forgot already ?
eroi: yes.
mrs lye: what colour sweet did you have?
eroi: yellow
i get to see Shoi tomorrow !! ((:
Saturday, November 19, 2005
haha service today was so funny ! the pastor thought brian or whatever his name is was cambodian. and kept shouting to him in khmer. and brian just kept nodding and smiling and the pastor thought he understood ! HAHA.
watched harry potter !! haha it was not bad ! but then there were times i was so scared. ): hahaha. cedric diggory was so cute. haha. when he jumped down from the tree I was like. whoa. hee. its so sad he dies so quickly. haha. they should have just killed krum or something. hes fat.
pastor glenn rocks !! (:
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
life has been about the same lately. [yes it has only been two days] but i have been trying to teach myself the guitar[no more guitar lessons. bahh] and i learnt a few chords ! haha. yayness. apprantly URanium has chords to You Are !! ((: cantcant wait although i doubt i'll be able to play the song with my lousy guitar skills. :/
i have been slacking loads and eating loads. and just wishing i could get thinner. and thinner. but oh wells. you dont always get what you want huh. i just got to start exercising again.
bsf is over ! well. for the rest of the year anyway.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
but at the chalet, when we stayed up all night and went to macs at about 5+, i watched it !
and yes, its reallyreally stupid.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
the bible said to not complain. which was, of course what i have been doing previously. and something i really want to continue doing. but still. i shall try to be optimistic, and blog about the good parts of my trip only ! hm.
we had secret recipe ! yumyumyum. chocolate indulgance and chocolate banana. man i felt truely indulged. the cakes were soso good. i just wanted to die. layers upon layers of chocolate and cake and more chocolate ! and even banana !! then we washed everything down with an ice blended mocha [which costs 8 freaking bucks for that mini cup] and a hazelnut latte. yumyumyum. after all the yummy food we were all super full and happy. so we went and bought somemore to bring home ! my dad and i happened to pick the same things to buy. but then when i went with my mum she kinda went crazy and bought everything on display. hahaha. we spent about. 70 ? haha. dont you lovelove malaysia ?
oh so whatelse was good ? hm we bought loads of food. haha. and i found jackfruit chips ! they were really yummy. but all gone now.
Friday, November 11, 2005
ok anyway. my butt still hurts ! haha. i dont know why. i mean it cant be from the cycling since i only cycled for about. half an hour max? but thats only if you add up the cycling in the afternoon, and the trip to macs and back. hmm. maybe its my butts way of complaining its too fat. :/
went for a mini jog today. mini because i was jogging really slowly and i dont think i actually exercised with that speed. hurhur. it sucks really. i dont think i'll be jogging for a long time. i think i agree that changing routes veryvery often is better. oh wells. i definately did muchmuch better than the last time i took that route. yea. so anyway. it basically was reallyreally good[meaning not tired] until about twenty or twenty five minutes. then i got the oh crap im freaking tired i dont wanna run anymore feeling. so i changed my mind about extending my route. and just ran home. but it was only when i just reached when i realised the tiredness was mental ! but i couldnt be bothered to fight agianst my mentalself and continued running home. i didnt do 30mins. think i only got 29. arggh. unless i started slightly before. and the worst thing was that after i ran i didnt get the oh hell i just killed my body running sastisfaction. it was like i barely exercised. and i was even too lazy to stretch ! arggh !
sheesh i have to wake up at 5.30 tomorrow. the food and shopping better be good.
ruthruth. im waiting for my manymany tags and i shoutout ! haha. hows this ? i think the old one was so much nicer. ):
Thursday, November 10, 2005
yes im back from the chalet ! it was funfun. well, the first day and the next morning anyhow. after that i got kinda sick of the game mahjong. or rather, spending most of my time watching jing xuan/jia yun.whoever play ! haha.
haha we didnt sleep the whole night ! haha thats totally true becuase we only slept in the morning. around 6am. we wanted to watch the sunrise but then. everyone was looking too ghostly and so we decided it was best to sleep. anyhows. it was funfun cycling to macs at 5am in the morning on borrowed bikes. hawt cakes ! yummy !
and then there was the barbaque. haha. i lovelove roasted marshmellows. however you spell it. bestest when its all brown and looking like idontknowwhat. kae ting ! we must do a proper mv ! hahaha.
ah yes.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
i think allison is a nice name. haha that was random. honestly i think im just going to keep getting fatter until i explode. seriously. i got to start exercising ! sigh i want to grow taller. i want to be tall and thin. like kahlen ! of course that shall never be possible. like how i shall never be a model.
ok i was digressing. went to shing shong with my mum today. and we bought loads of yummy food ! yumyum. (: bigbig enormous packet of super ring. and roller coasters ! and of course about a kg wirth of biscuits and loads of other stuffs. and a haphaphappy day. (:
Sunday, November 06, 2005
hm i think a jogging companion. i get bored easily. when im bored i dont wanna run. gr. jia yun ! help ! haha. im getting too unfit and muchmuchmuch too fat ! gr. not nice.
i had a series of rather weird dreams last night. one of them was of me being pregnant ! imagine that ! it was really freaking. since i obviously cant get pregnant. and i was imagining myself being on the headlines of all the newspapers !
so thats not the point. anyway, i was at the doctor. they should be a scan of my baby. and i saw the foetus in my tummy ! haha. it felt really weird having a baby inside [sheesh i should seriously feel it ! ] and it just felt so.. fragile. like it might die anytime inside. which kinda scared me. accroding to my sister thats how its supposed to feel !
haha you know whatt. its getting really freaky. i could seriously feel the baby inside me. i wonder what this dream means ! haha. i need a prophet-interpreter like the kings did !
watched the last episode of the michelle yip/raymond lam show today. sighsigh. poor michelle yip.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
sermon today was rather impactful. about compassion. [ yes tamago thinks the speaker was wonderful. ] which i so totally lack ! yes i think ive been hardening my heart over the years. after watching all the nkf shows and hearing about all those disasters. and youy know. compassion should not even be about just those major incidents ! ah well. i shall ask God for more compassion. hopefully it willr really show it my daily life. well. more of make me do actualy stuff.
ok thats about it. iloveyou ruth. (: haha. and i cant believe yr listening to all my crap. and RESPONDING. (:
Friday, November 04, 2005
ok. now she and pinli have managed to convince me that i should change it. but shes so pretty ! and my sister thinks its fine. sighsigh. ok i;ll leave it for a few days. if you think i should change it. tag and say so ! i promise i will if people really think its freaking obscene and pollutes your mind. anyway i figured about 1 person reads my blog every 5 days so it shouldnt be doing much harm.
ok. pinli:
hm i think i only got to know to last year. but knowing you made that year so significant to me ! you are like the clouds in the desert. so rare and beautiful. you are like the sun in the horizon. splashing beauty with you where ever you go. ...[this means that i said so much. but theres no space] and most importantly, you help me with my blogskin ! yay. thankew pinli.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
intended to have a nice long jog in the evening. havent excercised since like. forever. but then. by the time i ate breakfast it was like. two. [i shant mention what time i got up] and i think i ate like. a gazillion waffles. so i was so full when i went to watch friends with my sister. and after i think 5 episodes my mum came home with bee hoon and no hiang[ok how do you spell that] ! and by the time i finished eating [and it even fuller] it was 5 ! gr. running plans spoilt by food. think of that !
went to my mums old cell leaders house for some gathering. man i wanna live there ! it looks like a castle ! sighsigh.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
here a list of things i plan to do during my holidays. im not sure how many will actually get done. but. anyway:
- study. maths, physics, english [well i have to do somethinga bout it], chem in dec.
- get closer to God/try and get to know Him better
- loads and loads of CIP
- guitar classes ! (:
- camp and sleepover (:
- go to church at least trice a week. [thats super off. because im just trying to do something i know i will do]
- shopping. alot. get a pink shirt. and add [other] colours to my wardrobe !
- find the Dicky show in my sister's comp and watch it !
- get the NEW sonic edge cd. [which i think will be out in dec] and hopefully get autographs ! (:
- whatelse ?
oh yes. i think my new blogskin will be ready soon. my blogs getting freaking hawt i tell you ! (:
Monday, October 31, 2005
ok after the exams was great ! [oh fine. i said that already] haha i went to have lunch and walk around [ahem not shop] orchard. then we left around 3plus and i went to 6 ave to meet my sister. haha we cabbed to holland v. and walked around for a while. then we passed this tenny nail palour thing[whatever you call it] and my sister decided she wanted to have a little look inside ! haha. in the end she decided to have a pedicure and i had a menicure. (:
it was reallyreally lovely. haha i falt like a freaking taitai. first you soak yr hand in this thing. which was pretty hot at first but it cooled down after a while. haha. then she started putting stuff on it and shaping it. skipskip. haha. then she did a nail spa ! or hand spa. whatever spa they called it. so put some scrub all the way down to my elbow and started massaging my hand. haha it felt really good. then later she did a mask and left me to decide on my nail colour -which i couldnt. and she helped me ! in the end i chose this smoky shade of pink. which looked reallyreally nice on her nail. but then the girl did a double coat and it turned out all pearly and barbie-ish [hence my nick] haha ohwells. i feel kinda cheated. maybe i should have chosen hawt pink. [i nearly did. until she took out the last colour] . haha basically the whole exprience rocked. im felt like a freaking taitai with one person doing each hand simultaneously. haha. oh man.
yes the whole thing cost a whole lot. paid, lovingly by my darling sister. <3>
then my jiejie brought me to have talltall panackes. with banansas. and they were rad.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
worship today was really good. it was one of the rare times i managed to put everything aside and worship God for nearly the whole time. especially since i ahem got what i want. haha seriously. it was a surprise when i walked in. i went ooh ! hahaha. but i was with adeline so i couldnt do anything.
went up for prayer again. to dedicate my singlehood to God ! haha. it was about promising God to not get a boyfriend until the age of whatever, and dedicate the time to him. personally i dont find the keeping single part a proble. but i reallyreally wanted to use this time to get closer to him. oh wells. the korean person prayed for me and she didnt touch on it at all. she said i had a longing deep down in my heart and prayed about it. then she told me God loves me and accepts me no matter what i am like. and she prayed stuff i couldnt really hear. but it was reallyreally sweet. haha. i was pretty touched. i mean you probablly dont know why but it has nothing to do with you so, heck.
today adeline told me she has never seen me sad/angry/annoyed and it seems like im always happy. she said i never show my innermost feelings. haha. that seemed realy weird. its like. how dicky is always potratyed in shows. and how ive always wanted to be like. whee.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
so then we finally went down to have our five course meal ! i later found out [to my dissapointment] that it was actually a four course meal only. some strange people counted either the tea/coffee or bread as one meal. who would do that ?
jing xuan kaeting tingwei and me sat together. haha. during the meal we were trying out bestest to eat the right way ! hahaha. it was funny becuase he didnt really go through. so all of us were discussing how to do it amd deciding on the best way. haha. and jingxuan cant drink soup without slurping ! so then we had the maincourse and dessert [strawberry sth] and tea/coffee ! hahaha. kae ting jing xuan and I put so much sugar and milk into our tea and coffee ! haha. we took the milk from the other tables. then when the waitress came to collect it she was giving us strange looks. and kaeting went "jing xuan ah ! next time dont drink so much milk !" hahaha.
so as you can see all of us got real high due to the caffine and sugar ! haha . it was soo funny. on the bus trip back we rolled up are notes are started fighting. haha. the aim was to hit each other on the head. and kae ting and jingxuan formed and alli ! man ! talk about unfair. they would fightfight untill they lose [heehee] and then switch places. then later they combined their paper to make a super hard roll ! man it totally crushed mine la. and zoe was the repair station because she could roll the papers nice and hard ! so later we started doing all the slow motion crap. starwars style.
me: lishan, did you see my wallet ?
lishan :yes. ive seen yr wallet.
me : [huh] -pauses- ohh. she took it. *turns around*
hahaha. i rawk.
then we went to kap and i was still hgh and didnt feel like studying ! hahaha. basically i was annoying ting wei ! (:
Monday, October 24, 2005
visit to the parliment house today. i nearly feel asleep. hurhur.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
today was really a non study day. i barely did anything [despite staying at home] and basically made multiple trips to the kitchen. being a sunday, theres loads og food and i ate alot and alot. sigh. why must i be forced to freaking learn chinese ? its basically a really nice language and everything, dont misunderstand, but when it comes to learning the words i just wish i never lived in Singapore. bahh.
oh a happier note, i have found another song i like alot. actually there are quite a few. but the bestest of the lot, which i have actually been liking for some time already, would be the song that i sing. yes ive been trying to find out who sang that song for quite some time. till i finally resorted to going back to the coos site. [its really useful !] and surprise surprise ! its by sonic edge ! hahaha. im soo getting the new album when its out ! provided the songs in it, and im feeling rich (:
Saturday, October 22, 2005
pastor glenn preached today. haha. hes actions were so funny ! belle joy and i were laughing. hahaha.
hm worship today was good. especially the lastlast part. after joshua started talking about being empty i feel so.. well. empty. duh. i realised i sort of got used to it like he said. i felt like everything inside of me had wasted away into a hollow, but yet ive never realised. when we started singing the song i felt so.. weird ! i cant describe it. but anyway. i hope that church will stop being a sat. affair. i hate feeling so sinful or whatever and promising to change and feeling God near me. and forrgetting it all the moment i get up the next day. or worse, once i get home. oh sigh.
my dads being suprisingly agreeable to everything. which even incules staying over at the chalet ! never in my life has he agreed to anything of that sort. i was kinda testing my luck when i asked. man he agreed ! im so freaking happy. praise the Lord ! (:
i saw you today. i never ever realised i even knew how you look like. but. oh well.
Friday, October 21, 2005
so anyway. she was naggy and i was bored. however, if you manage to keeo awake, and sift through all the repititions and weird stuff. she can actually say some proper stuff. ok so maybe my time wasnt wasted. hee. you know she actually speaks really weirdly ? i got a shock during the break. hahaha.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hm im missing Dicky now. it sucks that all of my friends with scv dont own a vcr. either that or they dont have channel 61. bahhh. pissed !
so anyway. yes the thing was fun. Im and "i" we're all "i"s except for ting wei. who is a "c" haha. it was prety amusing when he told us "i"s like to sit together. and they go yakyakyak during lessons. [ie. me, zoe, kae ting jing xuan] and when he gave us a break we all went to a corner to talk and we realised the entire group was "i"s ! all but ting wei but it makes sense cos shes a "c". haha. im pretty obsessed with the whole "disc" business now so i'll probably be pretty weird for the next few days. hahaha.
my "d" is -10. ting wei's is -11 jia yun is -13. haha. it was soo funny. she was trying to act domineering the whole day it was sooo funny cos she simply sucked at it ! (:
tomorrows the personal grooming thing. man ! im so excited ! it sounds so damn fun. only of course my heels just died which leaves me with the difficult to walk in one and everyones just gonna burst out laughing when i fall and die. bahh.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hahaha. belle joy YOU RAWK ! thanks so much for lending me the cd !
today we had three lecture running./ [you know i think i kinda like the ./ look. heh.] ok fine. we had thing teeny break for recess and we finished watching twister. but still.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
heehee. you know who you are. hm. i think that guiter looks kinda interesting. of course nothings gonna beat a red guiter ! or red shoes, or red pants or red anything ! (: yea baby' red rocks ! [whoa. aliteration !]
hm. that kinda made me think of getting back my lit paper. when miss soh and miss neo whatever her name is made us go through the poem. man ! i didnt understand a single word ! haha fine i did. but i didnt freaking get what the poem was all about. when they said white soft grss i thought it was becuase of pollution or something. so the grass lost its colour and was dying. but then i knew that peppermint wind meant something good. cos i imagined myself opening my mouth whenever i felt a breeze and tasting peppermint. heehee. bah i feel so stupid. :/
ok yes i was digressing. today im in an extremly good mood. because aside from it being an extremely good good day right from the start, belle joy lent me her sonic edge cd: grateful !! wowee. let me tell you who are involved in making the cd. jon chan, david, glenn, jon hems, milton, johnC, john H and jennifer heng. yes. thats a fullstop. thats all ! oh sheesh ! i was trying to think of various reasons why so little people were involved. but oh wells. i guess there should be more poeple in the new album. which is coming out this december ! [according to pastor glenn]
went to st james again. haha i feel so stupid everytime i so back the introduce us me again. haha. only this time belle joy got introduced too ! hahaha. sheesh ! erm yes. worship was so funny ! ivan led. hm. we started singing better than life. and he sang it really weirdly ! the front part was like sososo fast. i could barely keep up ! [he later called it a rap] then when it got to the middle everyone started jumping. ivan too ! then he got all breathless and couldnt sing properly ! hahaha ! i was trying so hard not to laugh ! basically it was weird. i seemed to be getting weird glances from. familar-looking people. but maybe that was just me. :/
Saturday, October 15, 2005
so then we shopped and walked around for eons. haha. bought earrings. yes. and jing xuan's birthday present ! man ! im so efficient! haha. we have matching earrings ! only the whole plan to go round showing it off was ruined. nevermind ! we'll wear matching earrings next week ! haha.
so we went to church and i was craving banana balls like crazy. but when i went to the hawker center [about half an hour after reaching church], i found that the you tiao stall was closed ! sheesh ! this is the first time, in all my 5 years of being in coos, i see the you tiao stall closed ! and it just has to be when im craving banana balls !
ok later we met for cell and had service and i went home and had some delicious chicken rice !
yes im just not in the mood to blog.
me: i think *** likes ***
belle joy: oh man ! you have a rival !
me: er..
belle joy: dont worry SuMIn ! i'll support you !!!!!
charisia: whatthehell. [or sth to that effect. i cant remember]
belle joy: what ! i support SuMIn ! dont you support her !?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
heres something wonderful you might wanna know: im not getting retained ! yes its confirmed. i passed english, chinese, emaths, amaths, physics and chem ! heard that ! can you see the miracle ? I am soo amazed by God's grace ! It actually managed to pull me through. -those i thought i would fail, i passed, those i thought i can pass just barely, i got a 60-70. those i thought i would get above 70.. well. actually there wasnt any.
all glory to God. as long as you ask him and believe ! yr little mustard seed-like faith can move mountains !
to think about it. that was both in my quiet time and taught in church on sat ! looks like i didnt see God's message when it came. :/
i got in i got in ! oh yes. i thought it was a bad thing when i found out. but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise ! hahaha. happy. (:
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
me: just now while i was swimming i felt like a squid.
sister: HAHAHA. -long pause-
you mean you felt like you would taste really nice with sambal?
Monday, October 10, 2005
today i watched Dicky ! (: yay im so happy. he still rocks. haha. (:
i really dont wanna get my results back. gr.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
today zoe called me and told me something exciting. actually messaged me and tol me to call her becuase she had something to tell me. I SWEAR. i guessed exactly what she was going to say. seriously. i was like. i bet shes gonna tell me blablablabla. and then i thought to myself, how can it be?thats impossible. but the i kept thinking it and i called her and it was true ! doesnt this sound exactly like yesterday ? its getting freaky i tell you. :/
Saturday, October 08, 2005
yesyes. belle joys really weird. i have to be weird like her or i'll feel weird. hahaha. i was really retarded today. i think the phrase me dad said most to me was "whats wrong with you today ?" haha. i felt so freaking stupid. its the exams I tell you. post exams stress. hurhur.
went to church today. sonic edge led worship ! now thats really weird becuase yest [or was it the day before] i was thinking to myself: i think sonic edges gonna lead worship tomorrow. and i just kept having that thought although the chances were so slim and i just didnt understand why. so today i walked into church and saw this black mess on the stage. and i was right ! sonic edge was leading ! haha. they didnt sing the nice song today. ): i and think its ending soon. im picking a nice date for it. [next sun] dont you think i just choose to do mean things like that. first my blog now this.
yr solo today was weird. but i kinda made me happy . (:
distractions gr. i think its me whose distracting myself.
Friday, October 07, 2005
so anyway. my exams ended today ! haha yes im so freaking happy. it took prety long for it to actually sink in. i dont really wanna talk about it since it sucked. like. the day before my amaths paper [more like night actually] i started freaking out ! ohmygoodness it was hell i tell you. i was doing my tys but it seemed more like it was skipping every question cos i didnt know how to do it. then five minutes before i went to sleep i realised i didnt know how to do straight line graphs [although it was stupid. cos that was easy] . basically it sucked like crazy. i thought i was gonna get 20/100 or something. so i started praying like mad. and trying my bestest to trust God. ohmygoodness i tell you. after i handed in my paper i was so thankful and so relieved i wanted to cry. oh wells. (: this is just an encouragement to all those still having yr exams out there. it might seem like hell. but once you pray and leave everything in God's hands, everything will turn out fine ! faith is not about what you can see, but knowing what God can do ! (:
went out with ting wei and jia yun today. we wached a movie ate nice food and shopped ! yes the movie was weird. erm. everlasting regret. honestly i had no idea what was going on. im mean i knew what was happening, but i just coudnt see the point ! i mean theres got to be something behind just that life story.
so heres the highligh of my day :fried mars bars. oh goodness it tastes so good. i just cant describe it. but seriously. ahhhh !!!
Friday, September 23, 2005
andand. I passed my chinese ! yesyesyes 1 i did ! praise the Lord ! hes seriously been working miracles ! i mean who would think i could pass with 31/80 and 36/80 for my chinese tests ! yesyes i did ! i passed overall. (: yes. He actually managed to soften miss xxxx [my chinese teacher la's heart of stone. i dont know hoe but He jsut did it ! ok heres what happened:
i had a freaking 49.1 marks. thats i mark to a pass ! now i wouldnt wanna ask for marks. but then she gave us so damn low for our computer project it was unbelievable. i mean it actually pulled my chinese compo average down and parts hard ! so i pointed out that she gave us 5/10 for clarity of words. get that. how clear the words are on the screen. i mean. five !? our words were freaking clear and everyone could see it but her. and sue lin spent about. i think ten minutes in total finding the exact right shade for each slide. gr.
so she refused and i said please becuase i only needed one mark to pass. and she said no and a whole load of crap which made me wanna say something reallyreally rude. but of course i didnt. and she even blamed ting wei for making me fail. like whatthehell? and well. she was reallyreally spiteful to kae ting as well but we shant talk about that.
so well. i was so damn pissed i didnt bother to organise i chinese file. i dumped the worksheets inside and put in on the table. then i bitched about her like crazy and went home and prayed like mad. honestly, i had no idea how someone like her would have a sudden change of heart. or a growth of heart. but i prayed anyway. then i started worrying that she would minus more marks [being spiteful] becuase in a fit of anger i had forgotten to file my chinese tests ! so i started worrying and praying harder and then i started thanking God for making me pass my chinese. yes. i had so little faith but i just kept thanking and thanking to make myself better. [and it did of course. i mean it started reminding me of His greatness].
so the next day in school she came to look for me ! and she told me my file was a total mess and i should go organise it properly. then she looked really uncomfortable and started talking with a whole lot of pauses and said that since i handed in my file when very little people did [actually i think that wasnt true :/] if i go back and do my corrections and organise it for her by the next day she would try and let me pass ! ahhh !!! i was so freaking happy i was just trying not to laugh/smile/scream. haha.
isnt God just so great !
well. i bet to skipped that. actually it just basically said that my chinese teachers really mean and wouldnt let me pass but God helped me to (:
dont you just lovelove Him ?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
i dont know if i have ever said this. but i'll say it again" im so damn fat im afraid i'll get stretch marks if i ever manage to lose weight ! ahhh ! [scream]
Sunday, September 18, 2005
haha. i bet you skipped that. im surprised i can even remember it. but well, i prayed to God for help. so even though i felt so lousy while studying i guess something would have came out of it ! (:
oh yes ! today i remember how my nice song sounds like. [the sonic edge one] after thinking for one week ! the worst thing is that i wasnt even thinking about it. the tune just came and i was like. what song is this ? OH ITS THAT SONG ! haha. it goes something like this. lalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalalala. (:
Saturday, September 17, 2005
church was great ! pastor jennifer preached about coporate worship. haha. and she was so funny ! lol. damn lame la. but at least she made me pay attention. haha. well. i really never thought of worship that way. i really thought it was just praising God and all that. but now i realised it so powerful ! haha. i shall try invite more people to church so that they can experience worship. (:
worship was great too ! i prayed before i went and i think I managed to focus more. (:
after church was exciting too ! erm. AHEM. hahaha.
Friday, September 16, 2005
today was pretty much boring. except pe. we went outside school for a jog. haha. i seriously expected something much longer. but well. i suppose it was good. was untired but it still managed to lift my mood ! then we had. socalled training for out heart and mines damn weak. hahaha. im gonna train up baby'
then we climbed up the mud slope and slide down it ! haha. it was scary. climbing up. i was so scared i would roll down and didnt dare to hold on to the grass lest i pull it out and roll down. so i crawled on my knees and dug into the soil with my fingernails. now their dirty. [fine. not anymore] and my knees have cuts on them. gr. sliding down was funfun though ! in my opinion it wasnt muddy enough. as it was pretty rough. haha. i shant mention that ting wei and jia yun left me when i wanted to slide down and took the stairs.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
so God He Reigns is fine. but not You Are. since the only part i remember is "Abba Father". [well. i dont know why but that part was kinda running in my head. and you kinda wanna go on after the first two words. ] and i was searching for the song really really hard. and it isnt easy since i only know the first two words. and after thinking really really hard, i managed to find a source and found out the name of the songs "You Are", and it was by Sonic Edge ! now that sounds reallyreally cool. only of course it means the lyrics/song is impossible to get. gr.
ting weis irritated by her house too !
Monday, September 12, 2005
hahaha. today jeows wife gave birth to a cute little baby boy ! hes
there was little drilling today. and there was rain. really nice for maths. (: but i havent finish my revision paper. stillstill. i somemore feel smarter [praise the Lord !] i find myself able to do questions I was never able to ! and i mean through out my entire life. of course, i have yet to find out if they're correct. haha.
i nearly passed chinese ! 36/80. i think its my best ever [not counting the easier test.] no. seriously. five marks ! (: (:
Sunday, September 11, 2005
i was actually the first to arrive ! haha. suprising. ok. skip to after belle joy came. so then we started taking pictures of everyones body parts for an ahem. advanced version of five people you meet in heaven. haha. we wasted all our efforts in the end. since we didnt even have time to play the game. oh wells. its pretty nice and its in my camera [haha i just learnt how to spell it properly] and i'll load it up someday. (: it might even be my new blogskin if i decide to ditch the other one i did halfway. (:
so anyway. back to the party. everyone started coming and i played reversi with leonard and lost badly. hurhur. i knew i would lose from the beginning. but it was funfun ! (:
then we split into groups and played this weird crappy game. where you have to bullshit ! haha. thats exactly what im good at :crapping ! i think i was not bad. haha. as in serously ! shall try and get my sister to buy the game. she sort of mentioned wanting to. (:
then everyone left around three. after the lunch and cake[which everyone thought i baked. hurhurhur] and tabs speech and praying for ruth and hai pai pei which i lost so drastically to tamago. gr. haha. i shall beat her sometime !
then tab and ruth and belle joy and me went to addie's tv room to watch a series of unfortunate events ! hahaha. i agreed with belle joy that the guy was cute after about. well. ten mins before the show ended. haha. but his eyes arent nice ! then tab left and we were just sitting there deciding what to watch. haha. basically we flipped through every single channel and ended up watching zhen qing ! hahaha.
oh yes. and dear tamago was doing her homework quietly at one corner. :/
ok. this post is so. typical. today blablabla. haha. :/
Friday, September 09, 2005
went to hotel
ok. back to the buffet. there wasnt much variety. i think four and a half tables in total. and its a normal table. not those longlong ones. so basically there was nothing much to eat. which sort of made me full pretty quickly. hm. the roti prata was good. haha. only it got sort of ne. so i had less than two. my advice is. dont go. :/ unless. they can sue me for saying that. then erm. yes. gogogogo.
i like diana wynne jones. (: and theres a new addition to my Ms maddox ! hahaha. hes cute
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
i think im getting damn unfit now. i say think becuase i believe in mind over matter. and i think i could have done better if i didnt stop. but still. the feeling was brought forward by quite alot. around 3.1 km? gr. i cant even run 4k now ! had to stop at around 3.3. ahh. unhappy ! maybe it wasnt so worth it becuase it was doing nth to get rid of my tummy. gr. my tummys so big i think if i everever manage to get rid of it im gonna get stretch marks. but seriously. it needs to go !
ive completed 6 hours of lit lecture ! only three more to go and its all over. of course it means my holidays half gone. gr. theres no way to study with this weather here. it drives me mad !
Monday, September 05, 2005
hahaha. how exciting ! todays my blog's birthday ! its two years old ! scream everyone ! scream ! haha. this is unbelievable. i cant believe i kept at this for two years ! i always thought i would stop after a month or so. hurhur. and my writing style has changed so much. only it still sucks. hurhurhur. oh wells. happy birthday blog ! you're just as dead as ever. (: i wanted to celebrate by changing my blog ! but i decided to postpone it. since it wasnt that nice of a present. :/
finally got sick and tired or the drilling and went with kap to run away from it. [of course after making ting wei go with me] then it turns out they are doing renovations ! gr. so then there was the annoying drilling and the pounding which sent vibrations all over the floor, accompanied by this weird sparkler-smokey smell. gr. needless to say. it was unproductive. and only tingwei could study and study as though nth was going on. hurhur. no way im going back. :/
Sunday, September 04, 2005
i wanted to go shopping today. but then my family was tired so i stayed at home and slept. until about 5. but before that we went to alexandra village to have claypot laksa. the stall was closed ! haha. my poor dad was freaking dissapointed since todays the third time he went. its my third time too. but i wasnt too dissapointed. haha.
i gotta start exercising. studying ?what studying?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
well. my hair sucks and i hate it. haha honestly. there should be other things in life to think about. but yet. this gross hairdo is a major distraction
today during worship i realised that when you worship, besides making God happy, you also learn alot ! as in. christian lifestyle ? haha i dont know. lots of things sort of hit me. like how i keep saying[singing] that i wanna give my life to jesus, but yet i keep thinking about how gross i look ? i mean yes i look gross but i dont have to keep reminding myself. i should be doing better things such as watching my behaviour, sharing the gospel etc. that will also make me a happier person. (:
has flagday
i want my hair back
Thursday, September 01, 2005
i cut my hair today. the hair dresser thinks that you cant shape/trim it becuase i wanna keep it long. she just chopped the bottem off and cut off my fringe. it sucks like crzy and i wanna go into hibernation until it all grows out ! >(
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
hm. so we had the aces day work out and the concert and zoe and i ran around the school and suffercated ourselves outside the staffroom to give the teachers their presents. haha. mrs tan told zoe and me we were muchmuch better the last few days. and keep it up ! haha. honestly i dont see a difference. but im glad she notice our. ahem. efforts.
after school went back to nanyang to meet my primary school friends. haha. i missed them. when i went only ying juang and yao ying were there. then the guys came to join us. haha. we were supposed to go shopping together. but then the guys changed their minds about going to sentosa and decided to join us. so we had an impromptu class gathering ! (: as usual we spent forever deciding where to go/what to do. and we ended up in [surprise surprise !] plaza sing to watch a movie./
hm. i swear all the teachers dont remember me. they're all like. delibrately daoing me i tell you. especially he lao shi. she asks everyone about ip except me. i mean even though its obvious i didnt go. she should still ask right !? haha.
thats about it i think. we went to pastamamina. wasted my 6.90. hruhur. and i wanted to save money ! shi min owes me ten bucks. (:
later we spilt before the movie and the girls went to macs to sit and gossip. haha. how interesting, (: according to weilin the next time i see her/them will be next year. hm. i'll miss you (: haha.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
i have to finish my chinese worksheet like. now. [it was supposed to be due today] but i refuse to do it. because when they ask for the main charecter or journey to the west, i have to put tang seng. its freaking sun wu kong la !
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
haha. when we walked in the worship team were still setting up the place. there were carpets all over the floors, and this weird board-like thing draped with carpets. then the keyboard was at the centre of the stage. and there was acostic[however you spell it] guiter and a teeny drumset[although there were only two drums] and chairs for the backup singers. turns out they wanted to strip evrything down to the basics so we could really focus on God. haha it really worked! [i'll come back to this later. chronological order huhh.]
so afet we took off out shoes and prayed, pastor bee told us to walk around the room and pray for God prescence. at first i was praying a little, and looking around, but towards the end, i really felt God's prescence ! haha it was pretty amazing. then we had worship. hm. it was pretty short. so then we had sermon and went up for more worship. during that time i got pretty depressed. becuase it seemed like everyone was crying and hearing God's voice, but i just felt nothing ! and i didnt understand why ! so i just continued worshipping and prayed somemore. then pastor glenn came and spoke about faith. and how we should believe that Gods with us as is listening every though we dont really feel it. [well. sth like that.] so then i went up for prayer [for those who had problems seeking God] and it was pretty touching. haha. i mean the girl would pray in tongues, then in english, then in tongues again. and everything she said was so true ! it was like. she knew everything i needed and wanted. then halfway through she stopped for awhile. and told me that God was saying Hes just right in front of me. and waiting for me to go into His arms. and hes always there do me and willing to listen to whatever i say and answer my prayers [haha i cant remember exactly. but its more or less like that.] haha at that time i was just soo touched ! it was like all my emotions were swirling around and I cried two drops or tears. hahaha. im just not used to crying in public. but. oh wells. its just indescribable. haha.
isnt God just soso amazing. its like ive been looking all over and He was just right there waiting patiently. i guess i was just to blinded by everything else. haha. i'll try to have more focus from now on. (:
hm. i ate sososo much today ! haha. i had some cream bread to satisfy a sudden craving, and banana balls ! they are deeeeeelicious !
youlookedsogoodyoulookedsogoodyoulookedsososogood. (: hahaha .